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How to open a securities account with Yomoni?
Updated over a week ago

Do you have excess cash that you want to invest? Thanks to our partnership with Yomoni, make your idle money work for you by opening a securities account.

Yomoni is an online portfolio management company, approved by the AMF, offering individuals and professionals an optimized, personalized, controlled, and committed managed investment service. Yomoni currently manages over 450 million euros in assets, and the funds are deposited with its custodian banks, Crédit Agricole Titres, a subsidiary of Crédit Agricole, respectively rated A and A+ by Fitch.

What is a securities account?

💡 Good to know: As a legal entity, your business can invest in financial markets by opening an ordinary securities account. The PEA (Plan d'Epargne en Actions) and life insurance are reserved for individuals.

A securities account is an account that allows you to hold securities. It is a place where the securities you purchase, i.e., the assets in which you invest, are registered. These assets can be stocks, bonds, funds, or ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds).

Want to learn more about securities accounts? Check out Yomoni's complete article on the subject.

⚠️ Investments in securities accounts generally involve a risk of capital loss. Your capital is not guaranteed. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

What are the features of a Yomoni securities account?

  • How it works: Yomoni's securities accounts operate under management mandates. This means that you determine your risk level, and Yomoni handles the daily management. Yomoni invests through ETFs, which are baskets of financial securities with automated management.

  • Amount: Yomoni's securities accounts have no deposit ceiling, but you will need to deposit a minimum of €50,000 to open your account.

  • Availability: The funds deposited in your securities account are available at any time. From your connected space, you can request a total or partial redemption of your portfolio.

  • Risk: The funds invested in your securities account are invested in financial markets, which means there is a risk of losing all or part of the invested capital and the income it would have generated. You can customize your investment according to your goal or risk appetite. It is therefore possible to have a securities account with a very secure, very aggressive content, or any other intermediate nuance.

  • Tax regime: Securities accounts do not benefit from special tax advantages. Gains and losses on your securities account are generally considered financial income or charges. Feel free to consult your accountant or tax advisor to learn more about the tax impact of your securities account.

How to subscribe to an offer with Yomoni?

Start by visiting the dedicated partnership page and click on the "Simulate my project" button to start your account opening.

  1. The first step is to determine the desired profile for your investment. Answer the questions based on your preferences, the amount you want to invest, the envisaged duration, and your risk appetite. The questionnaire will only take a few minutes to complete.

  2. Once the questionnaire is completed, Yomoni instantly provides you with a personalized investment simulation, which you can modify if needed.

  3. Next, you just need to provide some information about yourself and your company and submit the required documents to Yomoni.

You can also contact a dedicated advisor to guide you through the account opening process.

Once your contract is opened, you will receive dedicated support via email from Yomoni at [email protected].

You can also track the performance of your account directly from the Yomoni platform by logging in with your credentials.

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