How does billing work?
Your subscription fees are billed directly from your account balance. Depending on your billing preferences, you can make the choice to pay for your subscription fees month by month or you can pay upfront for the full year by choosing our annual payment option (for more information on how to change plans and billing options, click here).
💡 Make sure your account balance is always superior to your upcoming subscription fees whether you chose to be billed annually or monthly. To find out how much your subscription is going to cost you, click here. |
When will I be billed?
Your first payment is due at the end of your 30 days trial period after joining Qonto (except for Incorporating Companies, in this case, your first payment is due upon registration). Our billing works this way, depending on your billing preference:
I chose to be billed on a monthly basis: The amount of your first subscription fees will be calculated based on the number of days remaining in the month at registration. After this first period, you will be billed on the first day of the month for the full fee. Additionally, (if applicable) we will charge your extra cards and members on the first day of each month and your additional fees (off-subscription operations) on the go during the month.
I chose to be billed on an annual basis: The amount of your first subscription fees will be calculated based on the number of days remaining in the month + 11 months (to complete for a full year). After this first period, you will be billed each year for a full yearly fee. Additionally, (if applicable) we will charge your extra cards and members on the first day of each month and your additional fees (off-subscription operations) on the go during the month.
What happens if Qonto can't charge me?
💡 Qonto has made the choice not to apply penalty fees on your overdue payments, as other institutions do.
In case of an insufficient balance, you will be notified of a "payment failure" and will be asked to top up your account so that your payment can be processed next.
If a first payment failure has occurred, and you topped up your account during the month, three possible situations:
If you have enough funds to cover your entire fees: Qonto will charge your account for the full subscription price. You will no longer have outstanding fees. Example: if you have an outstanding fee of €169 and top up your account of €180. Your account will be charged of €169. All your fees will be paid for and you will have a remaining balance of €11.
If you don’t have enough funds to cover your entire fees and did not add a payment method when you registered:: in this case, you will have pending charges at the beginning of the next month. However, to avoid many pending charges, Qonto will attempt to collect all or part of the remaining monthly fees that are more than one month old on the 1st of each month.
If you have registered a payment method after 02/13/2024: Qonto will fund your main account with your stored card to pay the first pending fees.
Example: If you have pending charges of €169 and your account contains €130, you will be debited the difference from your registered card to fund your account. Your account will then be debited for the full charge and you will have a remaining balance of €0.
💡The account holder can delete a payment method in Settings > Billing and invoices > Payment methods.
When do I receive my invoice for the payment of my Qonto fees?
On the 1st of each month, your invoice is made available in your Qonto app with the list of fees that were due for the past month:
If I chose to be billed on a monthly basis: your invoice will display your subscription fees, your extra cards, and the additional fees.
If I chose to be billed on an annual basis: your invoice will display your subscription fees (only for the first month following your annual payment) and then each month, you’ll only receive the invoice for your monthly fees (extra cards, and the additional fees).
Where do I find the details of my fees?
You can have complementary information on all Qonto fees from your history view, by clicking on the transaction line.
Moreover, if you wish to see the details of your charges during the current month, you can go to Settings > Billing and invoice > Price plan details.
To download your invoices, please check the article Where do I find my invoices?