Your Dashboard is accessible from your computer and your smartphone. As an Owner, Admin or Accountant, you can access it on your web app by clicking on Cashflow management in the left sidebar of your web application, or on your mobile app, by tapping on the More section at the bottom right of your screen, and then on Dashboard.
This app page helps you track the money moving in and out of your Qonto account. If you have multiple accounts, or if you have connected external accounts, you can choose one or see them all. The data presented on the page will reflect to your selection.
The dashboard consists of different sections:
Cash flows
Inflows and Outflows, filterable on your web app
👆 Good to know: internal transfers are not included in the charts when All accounts is selected.
Before exploring the different sections, here is some basic information to help you understand how your dashboard works.
Memory of your graphs
The chart options for a given member are stored on each device.
If you choose to change the time period of a chart, the next time you log in to Qonto on the same device with your profile, these settings will still be in place.
The chart options for a given "member" are stored for each organization.
If you have multiple accounts, the settings you set for company A will only be valid for company A. They will not be applied by default to Company B and C.
The graphics options are specific to each member for the same account.
If you are the account Owner and your partner has Admin access, your chart settings may be completely different for each of you.
Elements shared by all charts
All charts you can explore share the same characteristics. For each of them, you will be able to :
Change the timeframe to either cumulative or running. Cumulative considers the total from the chosen period's start, like a month, quarter, or year. Running calculates using the last 30 days, 3 months, or 12 months from today.
For example, if you want to know the sum of your past expenses on the 2nd March for the month of March, you will have to select "Monthly Cumulative" in your settings. Still on March 2nd, if you want to know your expenses over the last 30 days, you will have to select "Last 30 days".
👆 Good to know: with a Smart, Premium, Business or Enterprise plan, you can define a custom period.
Discover details by hovering your mouse over a coloured element, whether it is a line, a stick or part of a circle, it will bring up a pop up window giving you more details about the element in question.
On mobile, the same process applies for your first 4 charts and your ‘Cash Flow’ chart. Hold your finger on the screen and drag it to the date you want to explore in order to get more details.
Now it's time to explore each of the sections.