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Which proof of incorporation are accepted by Qonto?
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations, you have deposited your share capital on Qonto and finalized the application for registering of your company on the Guichet unique. All you have to do now is provide us with your proof of incorporation.

Which proof of incorporation are accepted on Qonto?

To facilitate the opening of your account, Qonto now accepts three documents proving the incorporation of your company:

  • The definitive Guichet Unique synthesis (or definitive INPI synthesis)

    You can get it for free from the Guichet unique.
    The document must indicate "Formalité validée" to be accepted.

    Don't mix it up with the "Synthèse de dépôt" which is a recap of your ongoing registration deposit, not a proof of incorporation.

  • The definitive Kbis extract

    Document provided by the Registry of the Commercial Court on which you depend. You will receive it as soon as the incorporation is completed in digital format and by post a few days later. The digital document is also available on Infogreffe (paying service) and Monidenum (free service for company owners) platforms.

    Don't mix it up with the temporary Kbis which does not contain your company incorportion number (RCS).

  • The INPI extract

    Accessible free of charge for all companies from the platforms, data.inpi or the annuaire des entreprises.

☝️ The following documents will not allow the opening of your account:

  • An Avis de situation au répertoire SIRENE (Avis INSEE)

  • A Synthèse de dépôt INPI (this is a simple summary of your current procedure)

  • A Synthèse des bénéficiaires effectifs - Version définitive - Formalité validée (this document only list ultimate beneficial owners)

  • A provisional Kbis (whose registration number is "en cours d’attribution")

  • An extract from Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat

  • An URSAFF registration certificate

  • A document from the Public Finances or memento fiscal

How to send us your proof of incorporation?

Send us your document by uploading it on your Qonto interface.

☝️ If you want to request a change on the deposit certificate, don't upload it or bylaws instead of the proof of incorporation. Use this form.

What are the next steps?

Once your SIREN number is recognized by legal databases, your account will be validated and activated!

💡 Remember to download your final RIB and share it.

The request to release your capital will be sent to the notary at the same time. The funds will be credited to your Qonto account within 72 business hours.

Discover the features of your account and order your Qonto card now.

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