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Getting started with Qonto
First steps and account set up
37 articles
I received an email informing me that the use of the Qonto account is subject to particular conditions: what does this mean?
Can any organization open a Qonto account?
Who can open a Qonto account on behalf of my company?
I have an existing company, what are the steps to follow when registering?
What activities are prohibited at Qonto?
Can I open a Qonto account when my main business is in crypto-assets?
What are the eligibility criteria for the loan offers with Iwoca?
My account is not validated and my access is restricted, what should I do?
Why do I have to register my company with Orias or Regafi?
What documents do I need to open a Qonto account for my Foundation with registered office in Italy?
I want to open a Qonto account for my association, how do I do it?
Can I create multiple accounts for my company / association?
My company is not declared as active yet, may I still open a Qonto account? (Infocamere 🇮🇹)
Sole proprietor (Einzelunternehmer) & Freelancers (Freiberufler)
How does the account opening for a GbR at Qonto work?
My company is registered, which documents do I need to open an account?
How to take a good picture of your identity card / passport / residence permit?
What documents do I need to open a Qonto for my association based in Italy?
What is considered as a valid proof of address for natural persons?
What is considered as a valid proof of address for companies?
Where can I find the information of my Italian company on the ordinary chamber of commerce certificate?
What documents do I need to open a Qonto account for my cooperative based in Italy?
What kind of identity documents are accepted by Qonto?
Why does Qonto perform a regulatory check?
What documents do I need to open a Qonto for my association with a territorial branch?
Why do you have to declare your tax residence information?
Where can I find my or my team member’s fiscal code?
How do I fill in my existing company’s ultimate beneficial owners’ information during the registration process?
Why do we ask for information about your business finances during your account opening ?